Your financial and personal privacy is of prime importance to me.
As providers of financial services to you, we are committed to your privacy while still being able to provide you exceptional service and valued work.
Described below are the professional standards of confidentiality of our profession.
Sources of Non-Public Personal Information we Collect
We collect non-public personal information about you that is provided by you directly or indirectly:
In writing via regular mail, email or over the Internet.
Verbally via the phone or personal conferences.
From third parties, with your authorization.
From transactions with our affiliates or us.
Parties to Whom We Disclose Information
We do not disclose any nonpublic personal information obtained in the course of our practice except as required or permitted by you. Permitted disclosure of your nonpublic personal information is restricted to employees and other parties who you have authorized transmittal of information. We stress the confidential nature of information being shared and that they are bound by either our professional standards, or other applicable standards.
Protecting the Confidentiality and Security of Nonpublic Information
We retain records relating to professional services that we provide so that we are better able to assist you with your professional needs. In order to guard your nonpublic personal information, we maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with our ethical standards.
Your privacy, our professional ethics, and the ability to provide you with quality financial services are very important to us.
Internal Revenue Service Required Disclaimer
Pursuant to Federal Regulations (contained in Treasury Department Circular No. 230) governing practice before the Internal Revenue Service, communication (including attachments and enclosures), unless otherwise expressly and specifically stated, does not meet the requirements that this communication was and is not intended or written by Palius, O'Kelley & Janzen CPA's Inc. or anyone else, to be used, and that it cannot evasion of any tax or penalties, including but not limited to, those imposed by the Internal Revenue Code, or promoting,, management investment plan or arrangement, transaction(s), or tax related matters. This communication may not be forwarded other than with written consent.